How to Build the Perfect Home Gym for Free

Hi Curl Friends! What if I told you that you can start your home gym for free? Yes, that’s right, free! Keep reading to learn more.

First, happy New Year! Its the start of a new year which means many of us have the “new year, new me” mentality. We’ve re-evaluated our entire life and are establishing plans and goals for the new year. The new year also comes with a hyper focus on our health, fitness, and bodies. In fact, it is reported that nearly two thirds of adults in the United States who make New Year's resolutions have set fitness goals as part of their resolution with 73 percent giving up before meeting their goal (, 2019). Clearly the majority of us have a hard time achieving our fitness goals and let’s not add the fact that we are still in a pandemic (thanks to COVID-19) which has made it extremely difficult to go the gym due to closures and restrictions. Due to COVID-19 stay at home orders we were forced to work out at home and thus, start our home gyms. It seems like every time I get on Instagram someone has purchased a Peloton bike. LOL!. Well, don’t worry about spending money on a new home gym to reach your 2021 fitness goals. In fact, my goal today is to show you how you can build your home gym for FREE! Whether you’re new to working out, starting over, or a world class bodybuilder, you’ll find these 4 things to be the perfect foundation to building your home gym and reach your fitness goals.

  1. All you need is YOU. Just You.

    No equipment, no problem! As corny as it may sound you really only need yourself to start your home gym. As long as you have two arms, two legs, and two feet you can workout and move anywhere. I believe we make health and fitness more difficult than it needs to be. The purpose of working out is to move and condition our hearts. Think of your body as a car or machine engine. We put good fuel into our cars, we clean our engines, get tune-ups, and take our cars for drives to keep them in good shape. Our bodies should be no different; get up, take your body for a spin whether its walking, running, squats, jumping jacks, arm circles, push-ups, or something else. Don’t let having the right equipment stop you from moving your body. You are your own gym!

  2. The Right Mindset and Discipline

    Now that we’ve determined that we are our own home gym, the next thing you need to build your home gym is the right mindset and discipline. Have you ever bought a piece of workout equipment only for it to collect dust because you do not use it? I have a friend who bought a Peloton, used it for a few weeks, and now one year later its sitting in her basement untouched. It makes NO sense to invest in workout equipment that you’ll never use. Many people may think working out at home is hard because they lack motivation, but in my opinion, people lack the right mindset and discipline (I’m no exception to this). When we change our mindset to view working out as a way to invest in our bodies, heart, and mind, the discipline to workout becomes easier. In my personal fitness journey, I find the main difference between motivation and discipline is motivation is an emotion which constantly changes whereas discipline is the ability to do despite how one feels. I work out all the time with feelings of not wanting to workout, but my discipline and mindset about my body and health outweigh the emotion of not wanting to workout. If you’re new to working out focus on disciplining yourself and changing your mindset before you invest in gym equipment. What good is it to buy equipment and not use it?

  3. Cell Phone

    See I told you that starting your home gym for free is possible! We use our cell phones for everything; why should working out in your home gym be any different? The reason why a cell phone is so important for starting your home gym is because you need a stop watch and timer, and because of the many free fitness apps that can take your workout to the next level. I know working out at home can get mundane and that’s why you need a timer to keep it spicy. Using your cell phone timer allows you to stay on track with your rest between sets and keep your heart rate elevated. You can also download free apps like Tabata Timer, Nike Run Club, Adidas Training by Runtastic, and many more. Many of these apps actually have free planned workout routines that you can do in the comfort of you home with minimal equipment.

  4. Bomb Playlist

    My favorite thing about going to a gym is the music. Music can make or break a workout. Music is so important to me during my workouts that I’ve actually gave up an entire workout when forgetting my headphones (I know, shameful, but true). I find music that much more important for a home workout because there’s no one else to pull energy from. Its just you and the music. So take the time to prepare your playlist and set the mood before your home workout. Feel the music and go!