5 Ways to Manage Your Mental and Physical Health During COVID-19
Photo Cred: Jennifer Jean Pierre
Hi Curl Friends! I’m sitting in my favorite nook with all my windows open, candles lit, surrounded by plants, writing in my journal, and reading my bible so that I can improve my mood and mental well being. Today marks the start of week 5, of COVID-19 social distancing. We have all been in our homes doing our part to stop the spread of COVID-19 and give hospitals a chance to treat the sick. For the past two days, the weather has been cool and overcast, and I am beginning to feel sad and unmotivated. I really didn’t expect COVID-19 and social distancing to have an impact on my overall well being, but it really has affected my mood and mental health. I’m finding myself unmotivated, sad, missing my friends, missing eating out, and even lonely sometimes. Not to mention the mental and emotional impact of being trapped in my house with two adolescent boys while being thrown into the abyss of homeschooling five days week has had on my sanity! (Why didn’t anyone tell me how annoying adolescent boys are?).
Today I decided enough is enough and to pull myself out this funk. I decided to do a few of my favorite things to help improve my mood and physical and mental well being. Of course, since we are Curl Friends, I’m sharing my personal practicals for improving overall well being during these COVID-19 times. I hope my tips make an impact in your life! Lastly, don’t be shy about sharing your tips for improving your well being during stressful times. We are all in this together.
Peace and blessings,
1. Connect with God
If you know me, then you know I am believer in God and follower of Jesus. It is during times like these when I am even more intentional with drawing nearer to God. If there’s anything I know about God its that he never changes, is the ultimate provider, and the source of all good things. It’s important to have a constant during times of fear. If you’re looking for comfort, joy, peace, kindness, love, or anything else, look for God first. Here’s a few scriptures that I’ve been meditating on:
“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing”
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows”
2. Let Your Light Shine
I love sunlight. In fact, when’s the last time you opened your windows, blinds, and curtains. When I’m not feeling my best one of the first things I do is open all blinds and shades to let natural light in. Research has shown many health benefits of natural light like boosts Vitamin D, improves sleep, wards off seasonal depression, and much more. So go for it, let your light shine.
3. Get Moving to Produce Endorphins
My number one stress reliever and mood booster is working out. I’m a true gym rat. For me, there’s no better feeling than after a workout. I feel the most clear headed, strong, and motivated after a workout. Working out and simple movements produce endorphins, hormones that are structurally similar to the drug morphine and play a vital role in bringing about feelings of euphoria and general well-being.
4. Play with Your Kids, Pets, or Family Members
Listen, we’ve all been in the house for over a week and if you’re like me, your spouse, boyfriend, child(ren), or pet may be getting on your last nerve. One thing I’ve learned from being with my family 24-hours a day is that while they get on my nerves, we need each other through this time. My family makes me feel better, happier, and hopeful. My kids bring laughter and love. Whether you have a family or pet, take the time to disconnect and simply play. If you live alone, utilize Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime to connect with friends and family.
5. Write Encouraging Notes to Friends
Social distancing has taught me that I’m not alone in how I feel. As I scroll through social media, watch the news, and video chat with friends, I see how I’m really not the only person who struggles. This is the perfect time to write encouraging notes or catch up on thank you cards. I imagine how excited I would be if I received a handwritten letter in the mail from a friend. Wouldn’t that just brighten your day? When we encourage or serve others, we often times are the ones who are most encouraged.
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed - Proverbs 11:25”