Hair Care Tips: Amazing Benefits of Steaming Your Hair and Revamping Your Curls

Hair Steamer Woman under hood.jpg

Photo Cred: De Su Mama

Hi Curl Friends! We are officially in week 8 of COVID-19 quarantine life. Hopefully we’ve all been doing our part to stay home and prevent the spread of COVID-19. For me, one of the hardest parts has been the closing of non-essential businesses like hair and nail salons. While this has been hard for many of us, it's also been quite the experiment in self-love and DIY beauty. Well, COVID-19 is not going anywhere and there’s no telling how many more weeks we have left of social distancing which means we have plenty of time to learn new skin, beauty, and most importantly, revamp our hair routines.

One easy way to not only revamp your hair routine, but also show your scalp and strands extra love, is to add hair steaming to your routine. Hair steaming uses moist heat to open your hair follicles and pores allowing for deeper moisture (water) absorption. The steaming process creates a humid environment that is perfect for moisturizing your hair. Like when you get a facial and the estician steams your face to open your pores to allow for deeper cleaning and penetration of products. Your hair and scalp work the same way with steam. While many stylists and salons offer hair steaming as an additional service, you can actually steam at home.

I did some research and the average stylist charges $35 to $50 for a hair steam session. The cost of the hair steamer I purchased on Amazon was $75. Talk about a great investment!! If you’ve been on the fence about purchasing a hair steam or if you want to know more about the benefits of hair steaming, here are 3 reasons why you should add steaming to your hair routine now. 

The Benefits of Hair Steaming 

  1. Enhanced Product Absorption 

    Steaming consists of opening up the cuticle layer on the hair shaft allowing for easier penetration of products. This will allow your curls to get the most out of your deep conditioning sessions. You may even save money from using less conditioner. If your hair is low porosity, steaming is a great way to open the cuticle layer and your scalp to receive water, better known as moisture. 

  2. Improved Elasticity

    Are you wondering what elasticity and steam have in common? Well, elasticity is the hair strand’s ability to stretch and shrink without breaking or experiencing damage. Steam treatments open the hair cuticle to absorb the maximum amount of moisture, or water, allowing your curls to bend and stretch without breaking. 

  3. A Healthy Scalp

    Healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp. If you want your hair to grow, start with your scalp. Expert stylists share that steaming provides the scalp with a deep clean and can even calm the scalp of skin irritation or dryness. The steam moisture also encourages blood circulation which is great for stimulating hair growth. 

The Do’s and Don’t of Hair Steaming

  • Wash your hair before steaming. The steaming process works best on clean hair. 

  • Aim to steam for 20 to 30 minute sessions. Your hair needs time for the cuticles to open and absorb the conditioner. 

  • Try to steam 2 times per month; if your routine allows, do it 1x per week or every 7 to 10 days (depending on YOUR routine)

  • Make sure all of your hair under the steamer. If you have long hair, pin it up. 

  • Grab a towel or washcloth for wiping your face and neck during the steam session

  • Do NOT cover your hair. You want all the steam and moisture to penetrate your hair and scalp.

  • If you don’ have a steamer, you can purchase my steamer on my Amazon store by clicking here.

Click photo to shop my steamer

Click photo to shop my steamer